5 Reasons You Should Hire a Criminal Lawyer for Your Case

The US justice system has not always been kind to those wrongfully convicted. Take the cases of the McCollum brothers, Andre Davis, Kristine Buch, or Steven Avery. Being charged with a crime you didn’t commit or even an unintentional crime can be very taxing. The impending court hearings and legal procedures take up every inch of your consciousness. Fortunately, a wrong accusation doesn’t mean your life has come to an end. With guidance from the right criminal lawyer, you can navigate the criminal processes with accuracy.

There is an abundance of things to do when handling legal affairs. This includes mountain loads of paperwork, intimidating inquisition from the police, and gathering evidence for the court.

A professional criminal defense attorney can 180 your case. We highly advise against taking your chances in front of the jury without an attorney at your side.

These 5 points below will convince you of the importance of the expertise that a criminal lawyer provides.

Well Versed in the Legal System

The world of law is too intricate and complex for the average John Doe to fend for himself. Criminal defense attorneys have studied and criminal practiced law for years. They have had the time and exposure to hone their craft to perfection. A lawyer knows every nook and cranny of the legal system. If the push comes to the shove, they can even find loopholes in the case for you. Your attorney’s sound knowledge of the legal battleground can be the difference between a complete dismissal of the accusations against you or an actual jail sentence.

Extensive Networks among Law Professionals

Quite often the connections that a lawyer forms in their career are the single most powerful tool in winning a case. When the lawyer has an expansive network among judges and prosecution lawyers, they might be able to help you handle the prosecutor’s onslaught better. It can also sway your case for the better if your attorney has an eminent reputation preceding himself.

Prosecutors are particularly vicious towards defendants who are underrepresented, do not make the mistake of arriving at the court without a trusted criminal defense attorney to have your back.

Access to the Right Resources

Understand that legal representation is more than arguing your case in court. It’s about gathering evidence, cross-examining witnesses, strategizing your appeal, and coming up with plan Bs in case the proceedings don’t turn out the way it was expected to. Criminal lawyers with a decent bit of experience are adept at using court resources to find ways to help their clients. Moreover, they will also have access to toxicologists, forensic scientists, expert witnesses, and the like.

Save Time Money

As mentioned earlier, getting caught up in legal matters is going to eat away at a lot of your tree. An attorney can change that. They can handle the paperwork and evidence gathering while you fulfill your commitments at work. Since such times can be very mentally stressful, we also suggest spending time with your family and taking comfort in those who love you.

Sometimes when courts dispute criminal restitution, working with an attorney can actually save you a lot of money. Since you won’t miss work either, there will be no salary cuts either.

Attorneys are Dedicated to Winning

At Foshee & Yaffe, our criminal lawyers are hardened from years of experience. We care about our clients and do not leave your side until we have secured a favorable outcome for you. Our utmost dedication is towards upholding justice and ensuring our clients are rightfully compensated. We are headquartered in Oklahoma City and have extended our services to all corners of Oklahoma. Schedule an appointment with us at (405) 378-3033.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.