Crash Course: How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Car accidents are common on the roads of Oklahoma City. The aftermath of a car wreck can be devastating. That's why it's crucial to know what to do after a car accident, the common causes of car accidents, the types of injuries, and how to determine fault. Let's discuss these and show how a car accident lawyer in Oklahoma City can help you.

From Fender Benders to Catastrophes: What to Do After a Car Accident

The moments after a car accident can be stressful and confusing. But it's essential to stay calm and take the following steps:

  • Check for Injuries: Check yourself and your passengers for injuries and call 911 if anyone needs medical attention.

  • Move to Safety: If your car is in a dangerous location, move to a safe place to avoid further accidents.

  • Call the Police: Even if there are no injuries, it's still essential to call the police and report the accident.

  • Gather Information: Exchange contact, insurance, and driver's license information with the other driver(s) involved in the accident.

  • Take Pictures: Take pictures of the scene of the accident, including the vehicles, the surrounding area, and any injuries you or your passengers sustained.

  • Contact a Car Accident Lawyer: Contact an experienced car accident lawyer to represent you and protect your rights.

Behind the Wheel: Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents can occur due to a variety of reasons, but some of the most common causes include:

  • Distracted Driving: This includes texting, eating, drinking, or anything else that takes a driver's attention off the road.

  • Drunk Driving: Operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal and dangerous.

  • Not Obeying Traffic Rules: Disregarding traffic signals, stop signs, or speeding can cause accidents.

  • Speeding: Driving above the speed limit or too fast for the conditions can cause accidents.

Accidents Happen: When No One Is at Fault

Sometimes, car accidents can happen without driver error. For example, poor road conditions or faulty vehicle parts can cause accidents. In these cases, the responsible party could be the government agency responsible for maintaining the roads, the vehicle manufacturer, or other third-party entities.

On Impact: The Most Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can cause various types of injuries, including:

  • Back and Neck Injuries: You can have a minor wound or more severe injuries, such as herniated discs.

  • Whiplash: Whiplash is a common injury that can cause neck pain and stiffness.

  • Cuts: Broken glass and sharp metal can cause cuts and bruises.

  • Broken Bones: The impact of a car accident can cause broken bones in the arms, legs, or other parts of the body.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury: A severe blow to the head can cause a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

  • Spinal Cord Injury: A spinal cord injury can cause temporary or permanent paralysis.

  • Internal Organ Damage: The force of a car accident can cause internal bleeding or organ damage.

Determining Fault: A Legal Guide for Car Accident Victims

Determining fault in a car accident can be challenging. However, the following factors can help:

  • Police Report: The police report can provide details about the accident and the officer's opinion on who was at fault.

  • Witness Statements: Witnesses can provide valuable information about the accident and who was at fault.

  • Physical Evidence: Physical evidence, such as skid marks, can help reconstruct the accident and determine fault.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You with Your Case

A trustworthy car accident attorney can be invaluable when seeking compensation for damages and injuries sustained in a car accident. Here's how these lawyers can help you with your case:

  • Investigation: A car accident lawyer can investigate the accident to determine who was at fault and gather evidence to support your case.

  • Communication: Your lawyer can communicate with insurance companies and other parties to protect your rights.

  • Negotiation: These attorneys can negotiate with the other party's insurance company for a fair settlement for your damages and injuries.

  • Litigation: If negotiations fail, your lawyer can take your case to court and represent you during the trial.

  • Maximizing Compensation: They can help you understand your rights and options for compensation, ensuring you receive the maximum amount possible for your damages and injuries.

Get the Compensation You Deserve: Contact Our Car Accident Lawyers Today!

If you ever get involved in a car accident in Oklahoma City, you need experienced legal representation. That's where Foshee and Yaffe Attorneys at Law come in. Our team of skilled car accident lawyers has years of experience representing car wreck victims and fighting for their rights.

We understand the challenges and difficulties of recovering from a car accident and are here to help you every step of the way. From investigating the accident to negotiating a settlement or representing you in court, we're committed to getting you the compensation you deserve.

Don't let the aftermath of a car accident overwhelm you. Contact Foshee and Yaffe Attorneys at Law today for a free consultation and see how we can help you get back on the road to recovery.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.