How Workers Comp Helps in Case of a Workplace Injury

When an injury strikes at work, knowing your rights can make all the difference. From medical care to disability benefits, employees have specific protections. If an Oklahoma City worker finds themselves unable to return to their previous role due to an injury, the path forward includes comprehensive support. Coverage extends from initial medical assessments to potentially long-term disability arrangements. Whether it's adjusting to new physical limitations or coping with the aftermath of a workplace incident, understanding the scope of workers comp benefits is essential for every employee.

Medical Coverage by Employers

Choosing Your Physician: Under workers comp, your employer is obligated to pay for all reasonable and necessary medical treatments. Initially, your employer selects the physician. However, if needed, a request to change the doctor can be made through judicial intervention.

Prescription and Travel Expenses: Employers are also responsible for covering costs related to prescriptions and travel for medical appointments. This applies if the travel distance is more than 20 miles one way.

Temporary Total Disability Benefits

Eligibility for TTD: If you are unable to perform your regular duties due to a work-related injury, and are receiving active medical care, you qualify for Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefits. These benefits are calculated at 70% of your average weekly wage, based on the date of the accident.

Duration of TTD: You may receive TTD benefits for up to 156 weeks, especially if surgical intervention is required as part of your treatment.

Permanent Total Disability Benefits

Qualifying for PTD: In cases where your treating physician determines you are permanently and totally disabled, you are entitled to Permanent Total Disability (PTD) benefits. These benefits also represent 70% of your average weekly wage.

PTD Benefit Duration: These benefits continue until you reach the age of 65, or for at least 15 years, ensuring long-term financial support under workers comp regulations.

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) Benefits

When a worker is found not to be permanently and totally disabled, they may still qualify for Permanent Partial Disability (PPD). The compensation under workers comp for PPD is determined based on evaluations from both the treating physician and the insurance company's medical experts. The maximum PPD benefit currently stands at $350 per week.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

If permanent work restrictions prevent a worker from returning to their previous job, workers comp may cover vocational rehabilitation. This involves retraining the individual for a new occupation that accommodates their limitations, as mandated by a judge.

Benefits in Case of Death

In the tragic event of a worker's death due to a job-related incident, the surviving spouse and/or children are eligible for significant financial support. They can receive up to $150,000 in a lump sum, alongside weekly benefits designed to offset the lost income, ensuring the family's financial stability.

Need Expert Workers Comp Representation in OKC?

If you're dealing with the complexities of workers comp in OKC, don't go it alone. Foshee & Yaffe Attorneys at Law are here to ensure you receive the full benefits you deserve. Whether you're dealing with medical coverage, disability benefits, or vocational rehabilitation, our experienced team is committed to advocating for your rights. Contact us today to secure a partner who stands for your welfare and maximizes your compensation. Let us handle the legal details, so you can focus on your recovery and peace of mind.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.