The Advantages of Filing for Divorce First

Every state has its own rule about filing for divorce, so people need to be aware of it before filing the documents. In Oklahoma City, one of the spouses must file for the divorce in court to start the process. But the main question is 'do you get any advantages from filing for divorce first?’ Well, you might get certain strategic benefits in such cases, but you have to hire a good divorce lawyer. The first person who files for divorce is the petitioner, while their spouse is called the respondent. The judge listens to the petitioner's story first before the other side gives their argument. This is the biggest advantage you will get.

Going First at Trial

The first impression is essential in all parts of life, and divorce trials are no different. When you file the divorce, you get your story told to the judge or jury first. This gives you a huge advantage in planning the whole procedure in your favor. Your divorce lawyer can help you understand how to present your case in front of the judge or jury so that you can execute it properly.

Home Field Advantage

If your spouse has moved to another country and you file for divorce first, you get the home-field advantage. In order to get this advantage to work for you, you need to file the case in the country where you live. You must fulfill all the residency requirements your divorce lawyer can tell you for it to work.

Automatic Temporary Injunction

Oklahoma City's law states that when parties petition for divorce, they will be imposed with mandatory injunction law. This law states that both parties cannot take any action to hurt their marital estate, other properties, or affect their children in any way. They are prohibited from doing many other things that may or may not hurt the other party's interest. You must get a court order or agreement if you want to do something out of that injunction rules. When you are the petitioner, you get to choose when the 'ATIN' goes into effect. You should consider consulting with your divorce lawyer before making the decision.

Advantage of Timing

You have to see when the best time is to file for divorce, which can be a positive status quo or a situation that can favor you. For example, if you depend on your spouse and your partner decides to cut off support, you can file for divorce immediately after consulting your lawyer. This gives you the advantage of showing that you need support and request continued help from your partner.

Choose an Experienced Lawyer

When going for divorce, you need to choose a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer, which you can find in Forshee & Yaffe Attorneys at Law. Call to get a free consultation today.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.