What Is Your Course of Action After a Car Accident?

Car accidents are, unfortunately, a common occurrence on the roads. Knowing the proper steps to take in the aftermath is essential for ensuring your safety and protecting your legal rights. This guide outlines a structured plan of action and emphasizes the role of a car wreck attorney.

What Should You Do If You Have Met with an Accident?

If you've recently experienced a car accident, knowing the immediate actions to take is crucial for your safety and legal protection.

An Immediate Evaluation of the Extent of Injury

The very first thing to do is assess yourself and others for injuries. Call for medical help immediately if anyone is hurt. Don't try to move anyone with severe injuries unless it is absolutely necessary for safety.

Report the Incident to the Police

Call the police and report the accident. It's crucial for an official record to be made, especially if you wish to make an insurance claim or potentially take legal action.

Gathering Information

Collect names, contact details and insurance information from all parties involved. Also, gather contact information from any witnesses to build a stronger case later.

Documenting the Evidence of the Accident Scene

Take photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damages and any visible injuries. These will act as crucial evidence when dealing with insurance companies or in court.

See a Doctor ASAP

Even if you feel fine, consult a doctor for a medical evaluation. Some injuries may not manifest immediately and having a doctor's report can be valuable down the line.

Provide the Necessary Information to the Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company to report the accident and provide all necessary information and documentation to start the claim process.

Why Will You Contact a Car Wreck Attorney?

Consulting a car wreck attorney is essential for navigating the legal complexities post-accident and securing the compensation you deserve.

Going through the Complex Maze of the Legal System

Understanding Legal Jargon: The legal world is full of complex terms and conditions that may be difficult for a layperson to grasp. An attorney will break down these complexities for you.

Filing Paperwork: There's often a mountain of paperwork to file after an accident. An attorney ensures all documents are completed and submitted on time.

Statute of Limitations: Every state has deadlines for filing claims related to car accidents. An attorney can help ensure you meet all deadlines, preserving your right to compensation.

Receive a Good Amount of Compensation

Skilled Negotiation: Insurance adjusters are trained to offer low settlements. An attorney can negotiate skillfully to maximize your compensation.

Accurate Valuation: Your legal advisor can accurately assess the worth of your claim, considering medical bills, lost wages and emotional trauma.

Contingency Fees: Most attorneys in OKC provide services on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win. That caters to both of your interests.

Representing Your Case in the Court

Expert Representation: If negotiations fail and your case goes to court, an attorney can represent you, presenting the facts in a manner most beneficial to your case.

Access to Resources: An experienced car wreck attorney has access to a network of professionals like accident reconstruction experts, medical experts and other legal professionals to help you win the case.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that a professional is handling your case allows you to focus on recovery and rehabilitation rather than the stress of legal proceedings.

Don't Get Entangled in the Legal Intricacies; Hire Us

If you've been in a car accident, don't face the consequences alone. Secure your future and peace of mind by contacting Foshee & Yaffe Attorneys at Law today. Our professional car wreck attorneys in OKC will provide the guidance you need to win the case. Contact us today!

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.